Professional Development

Musical Links to Literacy is a unique workshop that I created and have delivered at various conferences and workplaces for early childhood professionals since 2003.  This two-hour workshop offers educators the opportunity to explore basic music concepts, and develop a repertoire of songs, rhymes and fingerplays as they learn to assemble a music circle for young children.  In addition, workshop participants use a variety of picture books to connect music to early literacy experiences.  Handouts are provided. 

At the present time I am available to deliver this workshop in and around the Greater Toronto area.  For further information about costs, or to invite me to present at your conference or workplace, please e-mail me at

Early Childhood Educators participate in telling a story using masks and musical instruments!

One Response to Professional Development

  1. This is why I keep coming back to this blog. I can not believe all the new stuff since the last time!

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